Monday, December 20, 2004

Time for NY Democrats to Go to Work

It is ironic that our 'blue' state is being run into the ground by Republican executives -- Pataki and Bloomberg -- who would rather bankrupt us with stadia than fight for our fair share of taxes (our net outflow from NYC being more than $11 billion to the red states) to support our schools, colleges, affordable housing, medical care now at risk, police protection against terrorists, or even adequate food for our kids!

I am beginning to settle on some candidates that look to me to be the best. However, we are up against all those right wing think tanks that are not only spinning support for their candidates, but plotting ways to divide our natural constituencies -- encouraging ethnic rivalries, generational conflicts (what do you think Social Security 'reform' is all about?), non-voting (no difference between Democrats and Republicans, so go for Nader, the Greens, or stay home in protest?), class war by other names (attack on trial lawyers, racism galore, misogyny revitalized -- anti-abortion, gay rights used as spoilers), attacks on civil liberties to shut us all up (all Muslims are terrorists or financial supporters of same).

I have never seen a more vicious move against all things that I have associated as being good qualities of our American heritage and appeals to our worst impulses (genocide upon which our nation was founded; slavery both by race and class by which it was funded).

I shall try to be straight forward with my preferences as I appeal for better things. But now is the time for us to get started. This is intended only as a preliminary observation.

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