Thursday, January 13, 2005

Faith Based Science?

ECO FOCUS: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | Nature: A Real Moral Value

One of the real horrors for us academics trained in pursuing the facts is the make-it-up-to-fit-your-personal-pocketbook approach of the Bush administration to fundamental scientific facts that are affecting us now and which can compound terribly for future generations.

One hears with increasing frequency of the health impacts of local and global environments on kids, the yet unborn, those of us who have a lifetime's worth of poisons in our systems that have been insidiously accumulating over the decades.

As a child I inhaled more DDT fumes than I want to recall. Now I am a borderline asthmatic with the junk that wafts into our apartment from the West Side Highway and Riverside Drive commuting operations, let alone the occasional chemical cloud wafting its way across the Hudson from New Jersey. I am alive and relatively well, but I worry deeply about the future health of my children and grand children and theirs in turn as we despoil this beautiful planet simply to increase profits marginally on this or that manufacturing or energy dispersing machine or operation. The U.S. refusal to play the conservation game or to participate in such efforts as the Kyoto agreements, let alone take a leadership role in same while we hog 25% of the earth's energy use is simply a moral travesty.

I leave it to those coming along to make a difference -- will it be an 'ownership' society or a human one? Chose your graveyard plots early if it is the former.


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