Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Where the Jobs Are Not?

Where recruiting runs strongest
Indiana is among the states that rank highest, a trend driven by
economic opportunity. By Mark Sappenfield


One of the cruel realities these days is that jobs are really in pretty short supply in this country. We count as the 'unemployed' only those who are still looking. We count as employed also those who are struggling along with part-time, temporary jobs. In our co-op in the Upper West Side of Manhattan we technically have 6 full time employees. Our super is a college grad in music who would rather be working in that field. He is good at what he does, but his body is suffering the strain as he approaches ever closer to retirement. One of our doormen is a former factory worker who would rather have stayed with that employment.

We also have two part-timers -- one who fills in when others are on vacation or out sick. Another mops our floors weekends. Neither of these receive the standard benefits of vacations, medical coverage, or retirement contributions.

It need not be pointed out that we are living in a two track America -- with those doing well in selected professions -- but not always. I know of a lawyer in CA now working in a coffee shop. And I worry about my computer trained students who are being displaced by internet connections with Delhi. And I have watched a series of our bank managers get the heave ho with silver parachutes as their banks have been gobbled up by larger competitors. I would not want to be starting out on a work career myself these days.

And then there are those who are facing Iraq versus unemployment. . . .
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]











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