Saturday, October 08, 2005

Republican Crisis - Down a Dangerous Road?

The Republican party has managed to link together two disparate right wing factions that have very little in common either in moral attitudes or in interests:

a) the corporate money interests represented by such as the Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute, The American Enterprise Institute, and many others which are funded by billionaire inheritors of great wealth such as Richard Mellon Scaife:

and William Buckley who inherited his millions from his Texas oil speculator daddy who nurtured Bill in Franco's Spain with right wing attitudes spawned by that regime's Catholic right wing fascist lay organizations such as Opus Dei:

b) the other Republican support branch is that of the extremist right wing evangelicals who have been in operation for nearly two centuries now in this country who constituted themselves as the racist Southern wings of many of our regular Protestant denominations after the Confederacy's defeat in the Civil War. They are not to be confused with real Christian evangelicals such as the Sojourners led by Jim Wallis who pursue legitimate Christian concerns such as world peace, social justice, and assistance for those struggling with poverty:

What seems to have created today's sudden crisis for the Republicans in addition to the Iraq fiasco is Bush's nomination to the Supreme Court of a lady who turns out to be a born again Christian, Harriet Ellen Meyers, but who, in addition to a background as a corporate lawyer, has been doing what is unthinkable for the right wing greedies -- pro bono (unpaid) work on behalf of people who need legal assistance for which they cannot pay themselves:

Needless to say such a profile is panicking the greedies of the right who fear that her votes on the Supreme Court might not continue to endorse the corporate takeover of this country that has been in process since Bush was appointed president by the Court in 2000.

What we have in this Republican alliance of right wingers is something akin to what the Nazis put together in 1933 with Hitler's Weimar Republic election win -- based on a weird combination of the major German capitalists and the Lumpenproletariat (least skilled German workers most frightened by the loss of their jobs to more talented competitors amidst the economic breakdown of Germany at that time and, thus, drawn to his anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-women and anti-'inferior races' appeals). It is all too obvious that today's right wing religionists are simiilarly anti-minority, anti-women, anti-gay -- precisely those that they fear to be their major competitors for jobs and income earning opportunities. Studies now indicate that the largest percentage of those voting Republican are also the poorest and least well educated who have been conned by the Rove games into voting against their own best interests by appeals to those ugly emotions of fear and hatred of 'THEM'!

They said it could not happen in this country. However, I worry about what a serious terrorist attack or economic breakdown (all too likely with the horrendous funding and tax reductions put in play by the now politically dominant Republicans) might do to this country. I would hate to see a repeat of the Nazi experience with a new enemy now substituted for theirs -- Muslims for the Jews?

We shall probably soon see whether Americans come to their senses and throw the rascals out in '06 or continue down the current dangerous road to ever greater disasters -- inflicted by an angered deity perhaps?
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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