Friday, November 18, 2005

Grab What They Can While They Can

With scandals breaking out here, there, and elsewhere, it looks as though the Republicans have decided to grab what they can while they still can. At long last -- despite the constant distractions of sex and violence on our TV screens -- the American public is beginning to feel the pinch and get the message.

Americans are being blown away in Iraq while Halliburton rakes it in there. Unidentified individuals picked up at random are being tortured in American run and controlled prisons -- Gitmo to anonymous Middle Asian and Eastern European countries -- not exactly winning us friends and respect from Muslims and others around the world, sensing a 'born again' free enterprise crusade being launched in their direction. UN agencies increasingly have had it with Bush and Co. stalling -- on environmental matters, the rule of law, a nearly universally endorsed International Criminal Court, weapons restrictions -- the list is long and growing of U.S. sabotage of most of the good things that people around the globe are hoping to achieve/salvage.

So where are the Republicans going now? One guesses that it is becoming clear to them that their days in power are numbered. 2006 will bring elections that should shake up incumbents in both houses. Bush will be a lame duck with dangerous impeachable offenses circling ever closer to the White House. Get some right wingers on the Court to protect corporate interests for the foreseeable future? That was why the Harriet Miers was out of there -- not incompetence, but a frail body that might not have lasted 30 years to do damage -- and possibly a real Christian conscience at work -- all that pro bono work and a working knowledge of corporate scams?

With the 217-215 vote to slash such things as Medicaid and student loans the Republicans have thrown away the votes of those unwary or naive who either have not voted or who have slipped into Republican clutches by voting hot button issues -- gays, abortion, women's and minority rights -- whatever might be used to override reasonable self-interest. Giving big breaks to the super rich, which looks to be the next item on the Republican agenda, will provide generous funding for the right wing think tanks -- but the word is out with the public that it is losing more than it is gaining with phony 'reforms' directed _against_ its general interests. Any senior citizen in his/her right mind is now aware that the Medicare prescription formulae are set up to enrich the drug companies -- not to extend life for one's later years. Imagine -- full pay between $1,600 and $5,000 a year and all those sharks circling round to take a cut from even this inadequate funding package?

One could go on at greater length, but hopefully enough has been said here to make the point. The Republicans have a year to grab while they can. It is bound to be an ugly year and some of them may panic and cut out prematurely. But hopefully what is unfolding will be an object lesson for Americans for decades to come. It is time to find out who is playing what games with our lives and to vote accordingly!
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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