Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Back into Their Cages -- with Our Disastrous Republicans!

With a few notable exceptions (T.R. and Eisenhower, who both broke with the main lines of their party) Republican presidents have brought on national disasters -- Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes -- excessive expenditures and benefits for the super rich combined with corruption in high and low places. The departure of Delay is emblematic of the rot in a party that once had a constructive role to play -- until Lincoln was assassinated!

I well recall as a child in a birthright Republican family the claims that the Democrats were a crime-ridden party -- read supported by the newer immigrant groups and labor organizers. Then I went to college and met some real pols face to face. Prescott Bush, then on to his next wife, was manifestly a dummy, much as is his grandson -- hale fellow well met -- with those earlier Nazi ties. And I had the good fortune to meet some of our main Democratic politicians face to face -- Adlai Stevenson, Abe Ribicoff, Connecticut's first Jewish governor (1955-61) in a state with a considerable history of antiSemitism.

Since that time I have had reservations about some elements of the Democratic Party (starting with the Dixiecrats who sustained racism in the Southern states) and some of the missteps of those thrown into office by national tragedies (e.g. Johnson who stumbled into Vietnam with the naiveté of one not schooled in foreign affairs.). However, with a few exceptions the Democrats have been the party that gave a damn about ALL Americans while the Republicans (with some notable exceptions such as Robert A. Taft, conservative and competitive presidential candidate who lost out to our war hero general, Eisenhower, who nevertheless sponsored the public construction of low income housing) served only their friends and families.

What we are watching currently is the end of another Republican disaster march on our general economy in their private self interest which most likely will result in another crash which may make 1929 look like kids' play in comparison, given the big global players ready to profit from our losses -- China, India, Russia with all those energy reserves to put in play, and nearly all of our South of the border former vassal states in South America, the Caribbean, and Central America -- now in open revolt against American exploitation! Viva Hugo and Evo who are taking it all back with avengeance?

So when is it coming to an end? We shall see what happens in '06 and then in '08. Needless to say the media are mainly run by self-interested corporate interests these days. But as Lincoln noted, "You can fool all of the people [only] some of the time!" We are nearly at wake up time. And may they be recaged gently but firmly until another few generations at least have passed and the successor ones have similarly forgotten how bad things go when Republicans come to power.

Déjà vu for some of us with very long memories.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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