Sunday, June 04, 2006

Iraq - - Hutus and Tutsis Again?

Lest we forget the Hutus and the Tutsis got along fine for centuries with the minority Tutsis running the show in Rwanda until all hell broke out there. I have cited as a source here not a liberal but a libertarian critic of the New World Order who vibed in 1994:

"In the first place, we see starkly revealed the idiocy of the New World Order and the attempt of our global social democrats to impose "democracy," multiculturalism and multiethnicity on the entire world. The blue-helmeted troops of the United Nations, mainly French and Belgians as a legacy of Belgian imperialism in Rwanda and neighboring Burundi, have had to stand by helplessly while the massacre proceeded, and some of them were even cut down in the crossfire. So, what next, Slick Willie? Shall it be the usual American "solution": air strikes against Hutu and/or Tutsi, or maybe send in a few hundred thousand ground troops to establish "free elections" and "human rights" in Rwanda and Burundi? Lotsaluck."

It occurs to one without much imagination about parallels that what the Bush adminstration has done to Iraq runs pretty much along the same lines -- taking out a minority in charge and opening the doors to mass slaughter -- with our troops caught in the cross fire?

The headlines from Aljazeera at this writing are down right depressing:

Updated on: Sunday 04 June 2006, 18:16 Makka Time, 15:16 GMT

Iraq fails to fill security posts

A session of Iraq's parliament in which new defence and interior ministers were expected to be chosen has been postponed indefinitely, the deputy speaker says. FULL STORY

• Many killed in Basra car bombing
• Iraqi police storm Basra mosque
• Iraq official rejects US killings report
• US clears troops in Ishaqi killings

May we be seeing a rerun here of what has gone before all too recently? One hopes not, but what else can we expect from the manifestly bitterly divided Iraq?
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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