Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Still Small Voice?

[If one flips the dial of our major TV media -- where a preponderance of Americans obtain their information about the states of our nation and globe today, one is most likely to be beset (along with the latest reports of grim U.S. murders and/or child rapes here and there) by oft repeated quotes from Republican leaders calling for criminal prosecution of our press for revealing secrets such as that cited from a NY Times report immediately below. Occasionally there is a mention of some deaths out there -- large numbers of "insurgents" combined with minimal ones of our troops engaging them in various locations in the Middle East.

Yes, I am also hearing some shocked comments from people deeply distressed by the latest Gaza developments -- people who are having second thoughts about our carte blanche support for Israel -- thus far a still small voice. Ed Kent]


Experts on terror financing are divided in their views of the impact of the revelations. Some say the harm in last week's publications in The Times, The Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal may have been less in tipping off terrorists than in putting publicity-shy bankers in an uncomfortable spotlight.


Death comes often to the soldiers and marines who are fighting in Anbar Province, which is roughly the size of Louisiana and is the most intractable region in Iraq. Almost every day, an American soldier is killed somewhere in Anbar — in Ramadi, in Haditha, in Falluja, by a sniper, by a roadside bomb, or as with Sergeant Lisk, by a mortar shell. In the first 27 days of June, 27 soldiers and marines were killed here. In small ways, the military tries to ensure that individual soldiers like Sergeant Lisk are not forgotten in the plenitude of death.

"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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