Saturday, July 29, 2006

None Dare Call It Treason!

The obvious move now by Israel and the U.S. is to reach out with peace-making efforts to Syria and Iran.

Syria has no reason to maintain hostilities towards either Israel or the U.S. and every reason to achieve tolerably peaceful relations with each. If Egypt and Jordan can get along with Israel, so can Syria.

And lest we forget, the younger generation in Iran -- the majority there -- leans more towards modernity that towards self-destructive culture wars sponsored by some, not all, of their mullahs. That stupid war mongering phrase ("axis of evil") incorporated in an early Bush speech and dutifully read out by him, has more than any other move defeated peace in the Middle East and Bush as usual seems locked into whatever course he happened to inadvertently stumble upon at a critical turning point. Let us not forget that 15 of the 9/11 martyrs were from Saudi Arabia, as was bin Laden -- and we did not threaten to launch missiles at that viciously governed feudal state in return. Those of us in NYC who actually experienced 9/11 and remain threatened as the prime target in any wars initiated by Bush & CONs deeply resent their dangerously destructive war making -- the wrong targets at the wrong time at the wrong place!

I for one have had it with the NEOs' lies, hypocrisies and downright dangerous policy recommendations -- now to launch another war on Syria and Iran?! They ARE "crazies," as the first Bush presidency team has repeatedly called them. None dare call it treason, but I will -- the NEOs are doing irreparable -- treasonable -- harm to American interests with each of their successively more dangerous moves. It is time that our pols and media stopped dancing to their tunes. The whole bloody lot should be impeached and run out of Washington!
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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