Thursday, June 07, 2007

AIPAC Today (6/7/07)

[Thus far to my knowledge U.S. Presidential candidates Clinton, Obama, and Giuliani have been toasted (or vice versa) by AIPAC -- the American Israeli Political Action Committee that keeps firm reins on American pols of both parties. I think it is still the case that the U.S. devotes about 1/3 of its total foreign aid to Israel and Egypt as a follow up on the peace treaty arranged by Carter. The U.S. allocates the lowest percentage of per capita income to foreign aid (less than l% of budget) of any of the developed nations. We, however, produce (and sell) a majority of the world's weapons. Note that Israel's cut on weapons aid is listed below. Articles available at web site. Ed Kent]

Olmert: Israel Ready to Make "Painful Concessions" for Peace

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Israel is ready to discuss peace with all its neighbors.
Marking the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that "Israel is prepared to make painful concessions to pay the price for a lasting and just peace," according to his op-ed in the British newspaper The Guardian. "In the wider Arab world, there is ever greater recognition that Israel will not disappear from the map," Olmert wrote. "I take the offer of full normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab world seriously; and I am ready to discuss the Arab peace initiative in an open and sincere manner." Israel has, throughout its history, consistently reached out for peace with its neighbors.

More News:

* Defiant Ahmadinejad Threatens International Community
* Israeli Military: Hizballah Gathering Strength in Lebanon
* Congress Congratulates Israel on 40th Anniversary of Six-Day War
* House Subcommittee Approves $2.4 Billion in Military Aid to Israel

African American Leaders Tour Israel

African American leaders learned about the challenges facing Israel.

Experience is the best education. Such was the case when 14 African American leaders from seven states traveled throughout Israel to increase their knowledge of Middle East history and the current challenges facing the Jewish state.

The one-week trip was sponsored by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC. The journey included visits with members of Knesset, an on-site explanation of Israel's security fence and a tour of the northern border. It also featured stops at absorption centers for new immigrants, a climb of Masada and a tour of Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust Memorial.

"As someone who has devoted my life to politics and education, I found the trip to Israel an unbelievable learning experience about such an important part of the world," stated Barbara Ballard, Kansas State Representative and Vice President of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators. "I came away from this memorable trip with a much deeper understanding of the importance of America's relationship with Israel and the daily challenges Israelis face to build a better society."

In addition to Ballard, trip participants included two other state representatives, four city councilmen, the deputy mayor of Indianapolis, pastors and senior members of leading African American organizations.

More News:

* Giuliani Speaks at AIPAC Dinner
* AIEF Hosts Hill Briefing on Gaza Arms Buildup
* AIPAC Mission Marks 60th Anniversary of Exodus Voyage
* Diamond Summer Intern Class Selected
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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