Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rugby explained properely by a former captain of the sport

[Some corrections of my faulty account of Rugby sent on by a former Rugby captain via a friend. South Africa beat England yesterday, 15-6:

Ed Kent}

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Understanding Rugby
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 16:34:21 -0700
From: Laura X -G4-

(hi there Ed, here is former rugby captain from England to help you out)


You can if you want, but I didn't wish to disappoint his obvious fond
memories of his rugger days.

I am reminded of the anonymous quotation:

Soccer is a game for gentlemen, played by hooligans.
Whereas rugby is a game for hooligans, played by gentlemen


>are you sending this to Ed, or am i ,, or none of the above
>>The final of the Rugby World Cup will be fought out in Paris this
>>Saturday between Britain and South Africa. For those who don't
>>know the game, it is a sort of hybrid between soccer and football
>>(American expressions) that was invented by the British Public
>>(really private) School of that name back when. Our American
>>football evolved from it and is now a very different species.
>>For the uninitiated Rugby is played by teams that lock horns at
>>various points in what are called scrums when the two sides line up
>>two deep
>actually three deep
>>to shove each other as the ball is tossed down the line between
>>them by a referee
>wrong, "shoved in" by the scrum half of the team that DIDN'T inflict
>the error.
>>. One team has a central figure who tries to kick the ball to the
>>back fielders who then start running towards the goal lines.
>Wrong, the eight forwards (who also form the scrum when an
>infringement occurs) attempt to get the ball who then back-kick it
>out of the scrum, or pass it out of a line-out to the scrum half,
>who determines the flow of the game and where the team to should aim
>to run to score a touch-down. He then passes it to the fly-half, who
>then can pass it out to the four three-quarters, who are the actual
>flee-footed chaps who attempt to score. Behind the three-quarters is
>the full back who follows behind and defends the goal.
>> These back fielders, as tacklers approach them, can lateral the
>>ball to fellow back fielders -- but only backwards. A forward
>>lateral brings a penalty.
>>The teams are not shielded as in American football with padded
>>equipment, so that tackling is generally softer than the American
>>version -- around the ankles rather than mid body which can be a
>>real jolt for both tackler and tacked (I learned the hard way when
>>playing the game at Rugby's principal competitor school, Uppingham,
>>where I was an exchange student) -- reinjured an old wrist thing
>>from having played American football the year before in high school.
>>The principal injury that one can receive in Rugby is what is
>>called the Rugby ear -- one's ears get jammed against the butts of
>>fellow players when one is shoving in the scrum. I acquired one. I
>>think they wear a protective something now to prevent that -- does
>>not affect hearing.
>>One can kick the ball under certain circumstances for a goal, but I
>>forget the details -- I think it is a sort of drop kick.
>Basically the ball has to bounce first when it is dropped and then
>one kicks it. Hence the term drop-kick.
>> One can obviously pick up the ball which one cannot do in soccer.
>But one CANNOT pass forward which is the main difference between the
>royal game of Rugby and the colonists poor imitation.
>By the way, it is NOT Britain who is in the finals but ENGLAND.
>from a former Rugby team school captain who hasn't touched the
>leather in nearly forty years.
>>Enjoy the finals. Rugby has not spread widely in this country, but
>>there is a group trying to get it going in Manhattan, if they can
>>find a proper playing field.
>>"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms
>>is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by
>>Ed Kent 212-665-8535 (voice mail only) [blind copies]

Laura X, founder/director of the former
National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape
Women's History Library
(510) 524-1582 Berkeley, Ca.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 212-665-8535 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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