Friday, February 19, 2010

Who Is the Real NY Governor?

I have been wondering who Paterson's advisors are? Apparently from this NY Times article the primary one is David W. Johnson. From the Times account Johnson started his connection with Paterson as an intern and then his driver. There is no mention of education. He has an early record of some minor crimes as a teen which can be forgiven. But more recently there are several cases mentioned of abuses of women -- he stands nearly six and a half feet.

Particularly bothersome about Paterson has been the coldness of his budget cuts -- medicine and education. One is left to wonder who really is our NY governor in fact. I guess, despite extensive warm ties with Harlem, that I am not an enthusiast about his re-election.

And then there is that woman abuse factor. Paterson announced when he was moved to the governor's role that he had cheated on his wife.

Cuomo as the most likely alternative to Paterson strikes one as a cold fish compared to his father, but at least we would know who was the real governor and who to hold accountable for messing things up. As one who is both partially disabled and also a minority figure, I fear that Paterson gets softer treatment than he deserves. The Times article is the first really critical one and it does so indirectly.

People have been suggesting that Paterson take himself out of the race. I hope he will do so.


Paterson Aide's Quick Rise Draws Scrutiny
David W. Johnson is described as Gov. David A. Paterson's closest confidante, despite arrests in the aide's past and
disputes with women that drew the police.


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