Friday, January 28, 2011

Excellent Help With Arthritis

I have just reached that delicate age when pills for ailments and other treatments are called for in abundance.

One of my doctors referred me for physical therapy (a professional field that I did not know existed) where I have learned an amazing amount in the ways to forestall pain. It is called Premier Physical Therapy & Wellness. There are locations on both the East and West Side of Manhattan and outer locals. One is assigned to one specialist and has one's referring doctor who manages things. It is is covered by Medicare and for CUNY retirees, GHI.

One person is assigned to a client. Mine is superb, Keiko Yanai PT, at 162 W. 72nd St., 4th fl. 212-362-3595. They are supposed to focus on one part of the body a session to avoid extra costs.

I am asking my family doctor to supervise need areas.

Keiko is giving me various exercises to do with paper illustrations.

I was amazed to learn that a large part of my problem is that my muscles are constantly stressed and need to be relaxed which can be done with proper body control and the exercises.

I am tempted to start a health list, but have two daughters with expertise in such things -- am not medically trained, so will rather post to all my lists and blind copy people.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent [blind copies]


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