Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Right Wing's Perversion of America's Children!

Class-Action Lawsuit to Be Filed Over SAT Scoring Errors
Three Minnesota law firms have begun a class-action lawsuit
against the College Board and one of its contractors over
scoring errors last October.


It is good at long last to see this outfit under fire. I have been aware since I was, myself, a beneficiary of this corrupt system for sorting out and rewarding students -- not on the basis of their inherent abilities or promise as students, but rather their good fortune in being able to afford coaching on taking such exams -- was in total violation of the American ideal of equal opportunity.

Furthermore, I learned that those who run these operations cheat with full and admitted knowledge that they actually administer exams on which cheating is not only possible, but routine. When some of my students alerted me to a loophole which allowed such cheating, I checked and found that at least two law school deans were so aware of the cheating that their admissions committees adjusted for it and that the LSAT operation, itself, knew of the cheating, but protested that they could not afford the extra expenses involved in closing well known loop holes.

Needless to say, I.Q. testing is an American obsession spawned by the Animal psychologist, Edward Thorndike, who replaced John Dewey at Columbia Teachers College as the major American authority on education. Since that time American students have been increasingly distracted from real learning by a phony testing system that rewards the rich and punishes the poor -- with gradations and accidental allocations in between.

Shame on those who sponsor such stuff and would ram it down the throats of all American children. Such breeds the ugly racism of the Bell Curve -- darling of our right wingers who have it variously made -- often as prostitutes for Richard Mellon Scaife, inheritor of great wealth who funds the most virulent right wing U.S. propaganda organs.

These people are the real perverts who are most viciously abusing our American kids.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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