Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Beware the 'Death' Tax Cutters!

[Unless your estate (husband and wife) is more than $4 million, you will not be touched by estate taxes. However, if you are a CEO who has been making out like mad -- as are most of the trustees of this outfit lobbying to end the 'death tax' -- you want to take it all. And this all will be taken out of the hides of the rest of us either in the form of increased taxes or decreased basic services such as life-saving medicine, highway maintenance, national security, whatever. Spread the word about them as they are self-disclosed here. Ed Kent]


From: Rod D. Martin, Chairman, TheVanguard.Org
To: TheVanguard.Org Members and Friends
Date: 31 May 2006, 8:33 AM
Re: Death Tax Update: Victory Within Reach

Dear Conservative Friend,

As you know, last month, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist promised a
final vote to abolish the abominable Death Tax by the end of May.

For a variety of reasons, that hasn't proved possible. But the man is
as good as his word.


But there's more to this story, and we have to act fast.

As you know, the Senate is not like the House, where a straight-up vote
is possible and 51% wins. Senate rules are much more complicated and
have been since George Washington's day; what's more, since it takes 60
votes (out of 100) to stop a filibuster and force a vote, the hard-left
Democrat minority can stymie most things our good guys try to do.
That's the biggest reason why we've had such a frustrating couple years.

Because of this, we have not one but THREE votes we have to win. The
first is called an "Agreement to move forward"; the second is a "budget
point of order". Each of these must receive 60 votes before the final
vote can be held.

In short, this is going to be a busy week, and you and I have to get to
work NOW.

1. Call and Fax the Fence-Sitters

Our petitions have been very successful, but with three votes to win in
the next week, there's not much time left for that. We need everyone to
put maximum pressure on the fence-sitters, to let them know we mean
business. At this late date, that means calls and faxes: if we ring
their phones off the hook - especially in an election year - they'll
know what they need to do.

For a list of the eight Senators we have to work on - with their phone
and fax numbers - click here:


Also, if you don't have time to call or fax them yourself, we have set
up a system through TheVanguard.Org to do it for you. It costs a little
bit - $6.18 - so we can pay our bills, but that's nothing compared to
what's at stake, and we'll make sure everyone gets your message. All
you have to do is fill out the form and pay.


But don't stop there. There's more:

2. Tell Your Friends

Don't spam anybody of course, but we need you to tell your friends and
get them involved. Forward this email to as many of your friends as you
think might help. With three votes to win in just one week, there's not
a moment to waste, and we need everybody now.

I know we've all been pretty bummed about the Republicans in Congress
lately, but you should notice this: they came through on extending the
tax cuts this month, and they're coming through on the Death Tax too.
When you see our list of fence-sitters, you'll see they're all
Democrats. The only Republican we're "working on" is perennial
disappointment Mike DeWine (R-OH), and he's probably with us on this.
The truth is, after a rough year and a half, our guys are really coming
through, in no small part because YOU came through first, uniting
through TheVanguard.Org and other groups to "encourage" them. It shows
what we can do when we pull together. It also shows how radically worse
America would be with the Democrats in charge.

Now, let's go finish this. 2006 can still be a big year for America.
Let's make it happen.

Thanks for all you do,
- Rod, Sherri, Shawn and all TheVanguard.Org team

P.S. No kidding: the faxes are crucial. We won the tax cut fight by
acting: we'll win the Death Tax fight the same way. Pitch in with me,
and tell your friends too.


"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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