Sunday, July 02, 2006

Divert, Distract, and Destroy

With the New York City weather this morning being hot and humid, I forewent a healthy walk along Riverside Park and tuned in the Sunday morning network commentary programs (Meet the Press, etc.). Big mistake! Rather than exploration of the most recent major news items affecting us -- the chaos in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel/Palestine -- we were treated to warmed over 'he said, she said' exchanges over the now cold story of the release of the Bush administration's scrutiny of fund transfers to terrorist groups and organizations. It went on and on and on with tired old idiots pronouncing their hopes for criminal prosecution of the press (e.g. William Bennett). Now and again someone would mention that such money transfer scrutiny was being boasted by Bush, himself, several years back. But, needless to say, we are being force fed now only Republican election campaign materials -- not insights into the world as it is dangerously challenging our American interests. Back to the child molesters again this afternoon, I presume.

Americans are being horrendously cheated by this branch of the fourth estate. But it is an election year and, I suppose, news budgets these days do not permit transportation or thinking beyond the limits of Washington, D.C. As one who played around with journalism as a possible career, writing for one of the major ones during my college years, I was appalled. Where are the Edward R. Murrows now that we need them? We are involved in a a couple of wars out there now and we look to be losing them big time.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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