The Elections?
Needless to say Obama has had more burdens facing him than even a brilliant lawyer can begin to heal. And the Republican "No" game plus wary Democrats have blocked or crippled necessary reforms. The 'wars' are now also a mess as well as our economy and infrastructures. Borrowing more money and taxes to pay for things is the way we should be going. There is no free lunch as the other major nations have learned and acted upon. Medicine is paid for by taxes in them. Our drug and for profit medical insurance companies are driven by greed which defeats the public interest. My wife spent hours demanding and getting medical pay outs at first denied by our insurance companies prior to my retirement. My heart goes out to the widows who simply pay the bills as they come in. Even our back up insurance for Medicare plays games with us, pretending that it did not get the Medicare pay out details when they were made several years ago.
Whoever wins the election will leave us in trouble -- more if it is the Republicans who have no plans but to make the super rich more so and to kill off the poor. I see both in my neighborhood -- the beggars and the super rich who sometimes give something to them.
I guess I share Krugman's despair. This nation is in bad shape and likely to be facing far worse. Those guys training out there with guns may start shooting at government agencies and make the terrorists look like puppies.
[Fragment from Krugman. See Website for remainder:
"And if they take one or both houses of Congress, complete policy paralysis — which will mean, among other things, a cutoff of desperately needed aid to the unemployed and a freeze on further help for state and local governments — is a given. The only question is whether we’ll have political chaos as well, with Republicans’ shutting down the government at some point over the next two years. And the odds are that we will."
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent [blind copies]
Throughout history there has always been the rise and fall of nations. We cannot put our hopes in any country, government or man. All we can do is work for the good and share what we can with those less fortunate.
Have you read Victor Frankl and his story of being in a concentration camp during WWII? He said they can take everything from you but your attitude. He chose by God's strenth not to hate or be bitter. (which I never detect in your writing)
I like the quote from Lord of the Rings.
Frodo: "I wish none of this had happened."
Gandolf: "So do all who live in such times as these, but that is not for us to decide. It is up to us to decide what to do with the times we are given."
These are the two things, besides the Bible, that help me when I see what is happening in the United States and the world.
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