Monday, October 04, 2010

Destroying as Well as Buying U.S.

The Koch brothers (sounds like "coke") are among the nation's wealthiest billionaires. They have founded a dozen or more innocent sounding organizations that, as well as buying the current elections and attacking Obama and the Dems, are also funding destructive agencies. They are oil guys as well as owning about everything one can imagine -- including the 'charities' to which they contribute and which have placed them on their boards). The horror of a bought electorate can be reversed, but time is short to halt the destruction of our nation by resource and other abuses.

[From today's Krugman piece in NY Times today

Perhaps the most important thing to realize is that when billionaires
put their might behind “grass roots” right-wing action, it’s not just
about ideology: it’s also about business. What the Koch brothers have
bought with their huge political outlays is, above all, freedom to
pollute. What Mr. Murdoch is acquiring with his expanded political role
is the kind of influence that lets his media empire make its own rules.

[From another piece on Koch brothers:

Sep. 30 2010 - 10:18 am
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Image via Wikipedia

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is hammering the backers of an effort to suspend California’s landmark global warming legislation signed into law four years ago, reports KGO-TV in San Francisco. California’s global warming law AB32 is a big part of Schwarzenegger’s legacy, and The Governor is campaigning to stop Proposition 23, the November ballot measure that would suspend AB32. KGO-TV reports:

Where all this will end, I cannot say, but I am almost glad that I am 77 and a retired social-political-legal philosopher. I know too much not to worry about our children and grand children's futures -- not money but a destroyed environment!

Will the Tea Party types learn in time that they are being conned by such types? Throw in such as the Australian born, Murdoch, as well.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent [blind copies]


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