Monday, April 10, 2006

Nuking Muslims?!

Bush Ordered Declassification, Official Says
A senior administration official confirmed that President
Bush made the order in an effort to rebut war critics.


The damage is done.

Presumably the latest horrendous U.S. gaff -- that our military has been ordered to prepare a plan to hit Iranian nuclear plants with tactical atomic weapons -- was also authorized by Bush. Needless to say this disclosure terrifies no one in Iran, but outrages Muslims wherever -- and the rest of us who don't feature exterminating Iranians as though they were pesky termites. This totally mad move is in character with Bush's initial gaff to the effect that our war on Iraq was a "crusade" -- stirring up the culture wars with Bush's perverted notion of himself as a warrior for Jesus -- a contradiction in terms for any knowledgeable Christian and a perverse insult to the man of peace who gave his life for his well known ideals.

Bush is not only a war criminal -- he is a stupid one. He makes Adolph Eichman look like some sort of martyred saint in comparison with this peculiar 'Holocaust' with which Bush threatens world sanity and global peace. If one has not done so already, I suggest that any and all sign up for one of the censure/impeachment lists. Tom Harkin's will do. He will report back after the two week Congressional escape from all this madness:
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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