Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Aliens Are Coming!

It is pretty ironic that the Republican House voted to make felons of the very undocumented aliens who are keeping vegetables and fruit on our tables. Needless to say Latin Americans have retained a skill and willingness to do the dirty work of farming that Americans departed during the past century. Only our agribusinesses produce the meat products that are by and large unhealthy foods for us.

All that aside -- there are three other types of aliens that are subverting America and stealing our economic future:

1) Ruppert Murdoch, Australian media crook, has stolen our sources of information and corrupted them -- Fox News and other channels, papers such as the NY Post, publishing -- all spewing out sex, violence and celebrity gossip while despoiling those sources of information upon which any informed democracy depends. He need not have moved here. He was, however, welcomed aboard as is anyone who can plunk down at least $1,000,000 in corporate investments! And so many others are now investing in America and also shipping monies home to their friends and families.

2) The talented ones from India, China, and elsewhere are dominating such places as Silicon Valley. These folks come from nations that take education seriously and are filling in where we lack Americans with essential training and skills.

3) Our industrial and high tech competitors are displacing our industries and the jobs that go with them. China now does our industrial production as we build up a dangerous imbalance of trade -- and they are making noises about replacing the dollar with another currency? And the high tech guys and gals from or in India and Ireland now do our computerized things for far lower wages than Americans can possibly afford with our high living costs. Note that at Brooklyn College we are now teaching more students philosophy than computer skills because students in the latter area -- which used to be the guaranteed ticket to financial well-being -- now realize that they have been displaced by those internet aliens who have grabbed their jobs. Check out the home town of the next credit card person with whom you speak -- and help correct his/her pronunciation of yours, if they get a little wrong.

Yes, the aliens have invaded. We no longer own our country which we are now selling off to the highest corporate (alien) bidders. American prosperity will soon be a thing of the past when these aliens -- the international corporations and their employees -- have achieved majority stockholder ownership of America -- once the land of the free and the home of the brave. As for equal opportunity here -- forget it. We are all on treadmills now desperately trying to keep up with our invading alien competition.

Think about it!
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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