Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Where Do We Go from Here?

I had bought the notion of 'liberating' Afghanistan with great reservations. Seeing us use killer weapons -- those daisy cutters that kill without discrimination as did our napalm, timed canisters in Viet Nam, etc. -- I began to have doubts. Our failure to rescue the people of Afghanistan from extreme depravation and what looks now to be increasing violence there shakes me awake to what we have done. Simply imposing military rule lite is not the way to go. We owed them more than this for all the misery we and the Soviets caused them.

Iraq was always a scam -- we had full access to Iraq to look for WMD and followed the pre-conceived oil grab program of Bush Inc. instead. The oil has blown up in our faces obviously.

Now we are left with two quagmires and the prospect of general chaos in the Middle East in the face of increasingly hostile populations there and much disrespect elsewhere. The 'born again' mentality of this country is scary to live with and must be more so for those looking in. We are a nation of scared ones and the Bush administration has totally blown the sympathy that 9/11 had won us.

So far as trying to have a sane conversation with the Bush admirers is concerned, I find it difficult to get through to the most basic facts with the incredible amount of spin in our media -- and now intimidation of those who speak out. I suppose they will have to boast that we came in ahead of the Russians with the Olympics which has been just one more of the distracting items that we are thrown as the piles of corpses pointlessly mount.

I see us as a nation in deep trouble with far more than wars to mend in our deteriorating society.
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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