Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Owned and Operated by Our Corporations

90% of our U.S. population is seeing a decline in real incomes. Poverty is just a death or an illness away per the following NY Times editorial:

Barely Staying Afloat
In a time of plenty, more American workers are in danger of
slipping into outright poverty.


We are all trapped in an America now owned and operated by our corporations -- or more accurately their CEOs who are running them in their own personal interest. I am currently reading for a class Thursday night Max Weber's dark essay, Politics as Vocation, published shortly before his death in 1920:

Lest we forget -- the unholy alliance between major German corporations and the Nazi Lumpenproletariat emerged not so long thereafter. The parallels between the Bush administration's grab for territories in the Middle East and Hitler's drang nach Osten and demands for Lebensraum are truly chilling.

Incidentally, the chaos now emerging in Iraq is frightening, too. The npr reports this morning portend a fragmented militaristic state without a judiciary, disconnected from government or peoples -- government at best by corporate interests with tribal killings and divisions of the spoils. Democracy in Bush's mind -- and those of the neocons -- is not democracy as the rest of the world understands it. I wonder how long the American public will put up with both this plundering at home and our troops killing and being killed abroad? Ed Kent


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