Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yahoo Suddenly Blocked? More on "Owned"

Possibly others may have had the same experience that I did -- of having a sudden report that all postings to Yahoo were being "bounced." I went through the procedures to "unbounce" each of these and while testing managed to mess up the last headline of a posting which should be changed to "Owned and Operated by Corporate America."

While I am at it, I would add that it is fairly clear that Bush's view of democracy seems to be shaped by his experiences as a failed oil CEO and Harvard Business School studies where he announced in one class at least that he believed that the New Deal should be revoked. It is noticeable that his policies in office have followed this line -- decreases in taxes for the most wealthy and corporations, no increase in minimum wage, attacks on malpractice awards, no limitation on drug costs to corporations, attack on Social Security to convert it into an investor's risk game in which only those dealing stocks would be sure to prosper, reductions in Medicaid, no investment in affordable housing, no investment in early childhood education which has been proven as the only way to properly launch kids from low income cultures, no attempt to equalize the availability of funding of education for all children -- thus leaving those most in need with the poorest financial support, no serious attempt to alert the poorest in our society even to the benefits for which they are eligible (e.g. food stamps). No wonder that the public is at long last beginning to wake up -- despite Fox News' best efforts to mislead.

Poll Gives Bush Worst Marks Yet on Major Issues
Unhappiness about gasoline prices and Iraq have created a
grim political environment for the president, according to
the latest Times poll.

Let us hope this spells a return to sanity come next year's elections.
In the meantime the nation is at terribly risk for another 2 and 1/2 years with the Bush administration!
"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy cited by Machiavelli)
Ed Kent 718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]


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